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Part 1: General
Chapter 3. Division Meetings

Representative Assembly En 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90
  • A)
    • 1)
      Ex Officio Membership
      The ex officio members are the Chair and Vice Chair of the Division, who shall serve in the same capacity as officers of the Representative Assembly; all other members of the Senate Council (see Bylaw 242); the Chancellor; and the Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs, Health Sciences, Marine Science, and Research.  When, in accordance with Bylaw 25(B)(9), a former Chair of the Division serves as a member of the Program Review Committee, that individual shall be a member of the Representative Assembly.  A member of the Representative Assembly may not serve concurrently in more than one ex officio capacity, nor as an ex officio member and an elected member. Am 10/23/90, Am 5/28/91, Am 4/25/95, Am 6/10/97
    • 2)
      Elected Members
      • a)

        Any Divisional Representatives to the Assembly of the Academic Senate who are not already ex officio members of the Representative Assembly shall serve as at-large representatives to the Representative Assembly.  Each college shall elect two representatives to the Representative Assembly.  Each department with 35 or fewer voting Senate members shall elect one representative from among its voting Senate members.  Each department with 36 or more voting Senate members shall elect two representatives from among its voting Senate members.  Each graduate or professional school without academic departments shall have one representative for each 25 voting Senate members, or major fraction thereof.  All Senate members in a department shall have the opportunity to nominate and to vote for departmental representatives.  All elected representatives shall be elected by secret mail ballot.  All elections shall be held in time to announce the results by the end of the Spring Quarter. Am 6/10/97

        There shall be a representative of the emeritus faculty who shall be selected by the Emeriti Association. En 10/23/90

      • b)
        The elected representatives shall serve two-year, staggered terms.  After the initial election, the length of individual members' terms shall be determined by lot in such a way that representatives of departments, colleges, and professional schools with two or more representatives shall serve staggered terms.  No member of the Representative Assembly is eligible for immediate reelection.
      • c)
        Whenever a vacancy exists in the membership of the Representative Assembly, it shall so report to the appropriate authority of the constituency in which the vacancy exists, who shall take appropriate action to fill said vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.  If, and only if, a person so elected fills the vacancy for a period of not more than one year, the provision of Bylaw 82(A)(2)(b) with regard to immediate reelection shall not apply, and that individual shall be eligible for immediate reelection at the end of the term.
      • d)
        Each elected member shall have an elected alternate whose term coincides with the term of the member.  In the absence or disability of the member, the alternate shall have voting rights at meetings of the Representative Assembly.
    • 3)
      The advisors, who shall not have the right to vote, shall be the two undergraduate students, the two graduate students, and the three members of the research staff specified in Bylaw 65(B)(1). Am 4/25/95
  • B)
    • 1)
      The Representative Assembly is empowered to act in all matters for the San Diego Division.  At its discretion, the Representative Assembly may refer such matters to a meeting of the Division, or to a mail ballot of the Division, for consideration.
    • 2)
      It shall hear appeals of Division members from actions of other committees as set forth in Bylaw 155(A).
    • 3)
      It shall nominate two candidates for each vacancy of the Committee on Committees to be filled by election.  The Senate Council shall provide a slate of nominations for consideration by the Representative Assembly.  Representative Assembly members may make additional nominations from the floor. See BL 242 Am 5/23/95
    • 4)
      It shall report to the Division any information, recommendations, or other matters that it determines to be of importance or concern to the Division.  Such matters shall include actions and recommendations of committees or faculties of the Division, if the Representative Assembly decides that the Division should examine these actions and recommendations. Am 5/27/03
  • C)
    • 1)
      Regular meetings of the Representative Assembly are held monthly during the academic year in accordance with a schedule announced early in the Fall by the Chair.  Regular meetings may be canceled by the Chair for lack of business.
    • 2)
      Special Meetings.  The Chair, or in the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair, must call a special meeting of the Representative Assembly at the request of a majority of the voting members present at a Representative Assembly meeting, at the request of any committee of the Division, or at the written request of any twenty-five members of the Division.  A special meeting must be scheduled within two weeks of the receipt of the request. Am 11/24/98
    • 3)
      Emergency Meetings.  An emergency meeting of the Representative Assembly may be called by the Chancellor at San Diego or the Chair, or in the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair.  The call to the meeting shall be distributed to every member of the Division at least two days of instruction before the meeting.  Legislation cannot be enacted nor modified at an emergency meeting. Am 05/27/03
  • D)
    Agenda Compilation En 4/25/95
    The Senate Council see Bylaw 242 shall compile an agenda for each meeting of the Representative Assembly.  The agenda must include any items of business submitted in writing to the Senate Council by the Chair, by the Vice Chair, by the Divisional Representatives, by any standing or special committee or any Faculty of the Division, or in writing by any ten members of the Division.
  • E)
    A quorum of the Representative Assembly consists of at least 40% of the current membership.
  • F)
    Conduct of Meeting
    The order of business at a regular meeting of the Representative Assembly shall be as follows:
    • 1)
    • 2)
      Announcements by the President of the University
    • 3)
      Announcements by the Chancellor at San Diego
    • 4)
      Announcements by the Chair of the Division
    • 5)
      Announcements by the Student and Research Staff Representatives
    • 6)
      Reports of the Divisional Representatives to the Assembly
    • 7)
      Other Announcements
    • 8)
      Special Orders:  the first special order shall be a Consent Calendar prepared by the Senate Council in accordance with Bylaw 242(B)(2)
    • 9)
      Reports of Special Committees
    • 10)
      Reports of Standing Committees
    • 11)
      Reports of Faculties
    • 12)
      Petitions of Students
    • 13)
      Unfinished Business
    • 14)
      New Business
      The order of business at a regular meeting may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Representative Assembly members present.
      During items (2) through (5) and (7), only incidental main motions are in order.
  • G)

    Calls and Minutes
    At least five days of instruction before a regular or special meeting of the Representative Assembly, a call to the meeting, the agenda, and all pertinent documents shall be distributed, together with information about how to obtain a full printed or electronic copy, to all members of the Division , the President and Vice President of the Academic Senate,  the Executive Offices of the other Divisions, the Secretary/Parliamentarian of the Senate, and each member of the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction. Am 6/10/97 Am 5/27/03

    Within 30 days of instruction after every meeting of the Representative Assembly, the Vice Chair shall distribute to all members of the Division, the President and Vice President of the Academic Senate, Executive Offices of the other Divisions, the Secretary/Parliamentarian of the Senate, and  each member of the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction information about how to obtain a full printed or electronic copy of the minutes. Am 6/10/97 Am 5/27/03

  • H)
    Privilege of the Floor
    • 1)
      Any member of the Academic Senate who is not a member of the Representative Assembly may attend its meetings and have the privilege of the floor, including the right to make motions, but may not second motions nor vote.
    • 2)
      Attendance at meetings of the Representative Assembly and privilege of the floor, for other than Academic Senate members, is governed by Bylaw 65.
  • I)
    Recorded Ballot at Representative Assembly Meeting
    Any motion before a Representative Assembly meeting shall, when the question is called, be submitted to a recorded ballot of the members present at the meeting, provided either that the presiding officer so orders or that at least fifteen percent (15%) of the members present so request. En 1/26/93
  • J)
    Mail Ballot Referral
    • 1)
      Action taken at a meeting of the Representative Assembly shall be submitted to a mail ballot of the full Division at the request of one-third of the members present and voting. En 1/26/93
    • 2)
      At the request of 35 members of the Division, submitted in writing to the Vice Chair of the Division within ten calendar days after the distribution of the minutes of a Representative Assembly meeting, any action of the Representative Assembly shall be submitted to mail ballot. The results of any such referendum are conclusive, and the matter may not be reconsidered for a period of 50 days of instruction Am 11/24/98, Am 5/27/03