All members of the Academic Senate and members of the Office are authorized to attend all meetings of the Representative Assembly or the Division, except when discipline has been imposed in accordance with the parliamentary authority of the Division. Am 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90
The only other persons allowed to attend Representative Assembly or Division meetings are those who fall into one of the following categories; this authorization may be further restricted in accordance with section (C) of this Bylaw. Am 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90
Representatives to the Division: Representatives to the Division may speak and make motions at Representative Assembly or Division meetings. They may not second motions nor vote. Am 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90
Two undergraduate students chosen in a representative manner by the undergraduate students.
Two graduate students chosen in a representative manner by the graduate students.
Three members of the research staff, who hold positions in the academic research series and who are not members of the Academic Senate, chosen in a representative manner by the research staff; one representative to be chosen from the general campus, one from the School of Medicine, and one from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Am 3/30/82
Guests: Guests of the Division may speak at Representative Assembly or Division meetings. They may not make motions, second motions, nor vote. Am 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90
Visiting Professors, Visiting Associate Professors, and Visiting Assistant Professors.
Those members of the campus staff who have a continuing concern with, and involvement in, the academic affairs of the campus and are invited to attend meetings of the Representative Assembly or the Division by the Senate Council (invitations to be renewed annually). Am 4/25/95
Those individuals with expertise on an agenda item who are invited to participate in the deliberations of that item by the Senate Council or the Chair of the Division. Am 4/25/95
Distinguished visitors to the campus who are invited to attend a meeting by the Chair of the Division.
Observers: Observers do not have the right to speak, to make motions, to second motions, nor to vote.
Authorized members of the news media.
Not more than 28 members of the campus community who are not eligible to attend meetings under the provisions of sections (A), (B)(1), (B)(2), or (B)(3)(a) of this Bylaw.
The provisions of section (B) may only be suspended under the following conditions:
A motion to go into executive session may be made and requires a majority vote.
Non‑members, or a particular non‑member or a group of non‑members, may be excluded at any time from part or all of a meeting of the Representative Assembly or the Division, or from all of its meetings, in accordance with the parliamentary authority of the Division. Am 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90