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Part 1: General
Chapter 2. Office and Officers

Divisional Representatives Am 10/25/77
  • A)
    The number of the Divisional Representatives to the Assembly of the Academic Senate is established by the Academic Council in accordance with the Bylaws of the Academic Senate. See SBL 105
  • B)
    The term of service of a Divisional Representative shall begin on September 1 immediately following the Division meeting at which the results of the election is announced and shall terminate on August 31 two years later.
  • C)
    Each Divisional Representative shall have an alternate whose term coincides with the term of the Representative.
  • D)
    Divisional Representatives and their alternates shall be elected and appointed in the following manner:
    • 1)
      Each spring a mail ballot election shall be held in accordance with Bylaw 115 and in time to be reported at a regular meeting of the Division in May.
    • 2)
      In an election of one or more Divisional Representatives, each voting member shall have one vote for each Divisional Representative to be elected.  The voter may not cast more than one vote for any candidate.  Those candidates receiving the largest number of votes will be elected Divisional Representatives.  The Vice Chair will appoint alternates to the elected Representatives from those candidates who receive the second highest pluralities.  Ties shall be decided by lot.
  • E)
    The Representatives shall represent in the Assembly of the Academic Senate what they construe to be the best interests of the University, the Senate, and the Division.  They shall convey to the Assembly any recommendations or requests made by the Division, and shall report to the Division any actions or deliberations of the Assembly which they believe are too urgent to await publication in the minutes of the Assembly.
  • F)
    The alternate for a Representative may take the place of the Representa­tive, with the authority and responsibility of the Representative, at those meetings of the Assembly which are not attended by the Representative. See SBL 105, and its interpretation in Legislative Ruling 4.71.
  • G)
    The Representatives shall be members of the Representative Assembly of the San Diego Division. En 2/28/78, Am 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90