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Part 1: General
Chapter 2. Office and Officers

Officers of Division - Terms
  • A)
    The Officers of the Division are the Chair, Vice Chair (Chair Designate) and the Divisional Representatives.  An officer of the Division is normally elected to a term of office by an election in the spring quarter immediately preceding that term.  The election shall be conducted by the Vice Chair in the manner hereinafter prescribed for elections, and the result shall be reported to the Division by the Vice Chair at or before the last regular meeting of the Representative Assembly or the Division in the spring quarter in which it is held. Am 5/25/76, Am 2/27/90, Rt 3/14/90
  • B)
    No individual may hold the same office for two successive full terms, and no individual may hold two offices simultaneously.
  • C)
    If an officer is unable to complete the term of office, the Committee on Committees shall appoint an ordinary member of the Division who holds no other offices to fill the unexpired term pro tempore.  The officer pro tempore shall serve out the unexpired term of the elected officer who has vacated the office, unless that unexpired term is longer than three months.  If it is longer, the Vice Chair (or Vice Chair pro tempore) shall in good time hold an election for the unexpired term so that the officer pro tempore serves no longer than three months.  The result of such an election shall be reported by mail to the members of the Division as soon as it is known.