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Part 1: General
Chapter 1. Duties, Authority, and Membership

Duties and Authority
The San Diego Division of the Academic Senate of the University of California (hereinafter called the Division) is a committee of the Academic Senate of the University of California (hereinafter called the Senate).  The Division's duties and authority come to it by delegation from the Senate, as described in the Bylaws of the Senate.  [The Senate Bylaws delineating the jurisdiction of a Division are SBL 20, 45, 50, 51, 75, 90(B), 90(G), 206, 305(A), 310, 312, 325.]1 The Senate's duties and authority come in turn by delegation from the Regents of the University of California, as described in the Standing Orders of the Regents.  [The relevant parts of the Standing Orders of the Regents are Appendix I.]

1 Here and elsewhere in the Divisional Manual, items in square brackets are not Bylaws or Regulations, but rather editorial comments by the Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction.