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Part 1: General
Chapter 2. Office and Officers

The Executive Office - Duties
  • A)
    The Executive Office of the Division (hereinafter called the Office) shall be under the general supervision of the Chair and Vice Chair (Chair Designate) of the Division.  It shall include such administrative, clerical, and stenographic employees as are made available from time to time to the Division and its committees. Am 1/25/72
  • B)
    The duties of the Office are these:
    • 1)
      It shall be the depository of all records of the Division.
    • 2)
      It shall maintain current files of all minutes and reports of standing and special committees submitted to the Division.
    • 3)
      As far as possible, it shall provide all clerical, stenographic, and other assistance required by standing and special committees.
    • 4)
      It shall assist in the preparation of calls for Divisional meetings, reports of committees, questionnaires, and other material required in the work of the Division and its committees.
    • 5)
      It shall establish and maintain files showing:
      • a)
        current membership in the Division,
      • b)
        Senate and Divisional committee service of each Division member,
      • c)
        current membership of all standing and special committees of the Division.
    • 6)
      It shall generally assist the officers of the Division in the discharge of their duties as officers.
    • 7)
      It shall keep all records of the Office specifically listed above open for inspection by any member of the Division, excepting only records concerned with the appointments, privilege and tenure, promo­tions and salaries of and research grants to particular individual employees or possible prospective employees of the University.  Inspection of these latter records shall be at the discretion of the committee which has placed them in the Office.