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Part 2: Committees
Chapter 3. Standing Committees of the Division

Undergraduate Scholarships and Honors
  • A)
    This committee shall consist of eight ordinary members of the Division and ex officio the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, who shall not be chair.  It shall also have two undergraduate student repre­sentatives, who shall not have the right to vote. Am 5/24/77, Rt 6/8/77, Am 1/29/02
  • B)
    The members of the Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships and Honors shall be apportioned by discipline as follows:  two members for any of the biology sections; two members from any of the engineering departments; one member from any of the fine arts departments; one member from any of the humanities departments; one member from any of the social departments.  Members will ordinarily serve a two or three-year term and half of the membership will be retained each year.  The chair will be a member who is serving for the second or third year. Am 1/29/02
  • C)
    It shall be the duty of this committee to recommend to the President, through the Chancellor at San Diego, the awarding of undergraduate scholarships, including competitive awards, according to the terms of the various foundations, subject to such conditions as the Division and the University Committee on Educational Policy may prescribe.  The committee shall also establish minimum standards for undergraduate honors, shall remind the colleges and schools at appropriate times during the academic year of the program of awards of undergraduate honors, and shall ascertain that each college and school fulfills its obligations under that program. See SR 640

Part 2: Committees