The duties of this committee shall be the following:
It shall prepare and report to the Division such changes and additions to the Bylaws and Regulations of the Division as may seem advisable.
It shall review legislation proposed for adoption by the Division with a view to determining whether such legislation conflicts with the Bylaws and Regulations of the Academic Senate as a whole.
It shall advise the Division regarding the scope of its jurisdiction and that of the Academic Senate as a whole.
It shall determine the membership of the Division in accordance with these Bylaws. En 5/25/76
It shall review the credentials of designated representatives to the Division to determine whether they have been selected in a representative manner. On the basis of that review it shall determine whether individual nominees may serve as representatives. En 5/25/76
It shall hear appeals in accordance with Bylaw 155(B). En 4/25/95
It shall make editorial and conforming non‑substantive changes in the Bylaws and Regulations with regard to headings, cross‑references, organizational titles, details of style, insertion and deletion of square bracketed editorial comments, and similar items, reporting all such changes to the organizations directly concerned, and reporting them to members of the Division.
SBL 144(B) It shall edit and publish, at such intervals as may seem necessary, the Manual of the Division which shall consist of
the Bylaws of the Division,
the Regulations of the Division,
such Appendices as the Division shall direct to be included,
the Bylaws of Faculties and committees directly responsible to the Division.
It shall recommend to the Division from time to time such changes in its organization as seem desirable.