Academic Information Technology En 3/30/82, Am 11/30/99, Am 5/26/15
This committee shall consist of seven members of the Division, plus the University Librarian, ex officio. Information technology staff specialists may serve as nonvoting consultants to the Committee as needed. One member shall serve on the University Committee on Academic Computing and Communications. See Bylaw 185(C)(8), and SBL 155 Am 5/24/83, Am 10/29/85, Am 5/22/90, Am 1/28/92, Am 5/23/95, Am 11/30/99, Am 11/4/03, Am 2/24/04, Am 5/26/15
This committee shall review and make recommendations to the Division and to the Administration concerning policies governing online education and the development and management of information technology for instruction, research, and for the needs of the campus a whole. Am 5/26/15