Diversity and Equity En 2/25/78, Am 10/26/99, Am 10/28/08
This committee consists of seven ordinary members of the Division. The Director of the Office of Academic Diversity and Equal Opportunity shall serve as a consultant to the committee. It shall also have one undergraduate student representative and one graduate student representative, who shall not have the right to vote. One member shall serve on the University Committee on Equity Diversity. See Bylaw 185(C)(8)and SBL 140 Am 4/23/91, Am 5/23/95, Am 10/26/99, Am 2/24/04, Am 10/28/08
With the concurrence of the Chancellor, the Chair of this committee shall serve as an ex officio member of the Diversity Council. With the concurrence of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, one member of this committee shall serve as a member of the Student Affirmative Action Committee. En 5/23/95, Am 10/26/99
This committee shall have the following duties:
Confers with the administration on general policies bearing on diversity and equity for academic personnel and academic programs. Am 10/28/08
Undertakes studies of general practices and policies of diversity and equity and makes recommendations to appropriate Senate and administrative bodies. Am 10/28/08
Reviews information on diversity and equity provided by campus and systemwide administrations and advises the Division and the administration accordingly. [This information consists of data and analyses for women and ethnic minorities concerning utilization, salaries, advancement, and separation.] Am 10/28/08
Investigates measures to expand the role of the Division in making University education available to disadvantaged young people in the community.
Assists and advises the campus community, including the administration and academic units, in conducting student diversity and equity programs. Am 10/24/08
Reports annually to the Division and the University Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity on policies, practices, and the committee's actions and recommendations.