The Representative Assembly of the San Diego Divisional Academic Senate will be meeting on Tuesday, April 4th at 3:30 p.m., in the Garren Auditorium of the Biomedical Sciences Building (first floor). The Notice of Meeting (agenda) and all pertinent documents may be found at the following two locations:
(1) On the Senate’s homepage under Assembly/Council Meetings, on the lower right side of the page.
(2) On the Representative Assembly Schedule page.
The Chancellor will address the Assembly at this meeting. Other speakers include Juan Gonzalez, VC-Student Affairs, and Jeffrey Orgera, AVC-Student Retention and Success, who will provide an immigration update; and Stephanie Jed, Professor, Department of Literature, who will brief the Assembly on the Scholars at Risk Network. Nominations from Senate Council and the Committee on Committees for elected Senate positions will be presented, and the Committee on Awards will present nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Awards.
If you are a Representative Assembly member and cannot attend next week’s meeting, please be sure to notify your alternate to do so in your stead. Your participation matters.