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Appendix 5: Bylaws of the Faculties of UCSD

Bylaws of the Faculty of Sixth College
Approved by The San Diego Division 4/29/03
  • I)

    All members of the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate appointed to Sixth College are voting members of the Sixth College Faculty.


    The faculty shall be concerned with the academic program of Sixth College and all related aspects of its educational environment.


    At least one Faculty meeting per year shall be called by the Provost. Meetings can also be called by the Executive Committee, or by the written request of ten members of the Sixth College Faculty.


    The presence of 20% of the membership or a minimum of ten members of the faculty shall constitute a quorum.

  • V)
    • A)
      A member of the Faculty of Sixth College shall be elected by the Faculty each year to serve as Chair of the Faculty effective from September 1st.  The Chair of the Faculty shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty and of the Executive Committee.
    • B)

      The Executive Committee of the Faculty of Sixth College shall consist of the Chair of the Faculty, five additional elected faculty members and, ex officio, the Provost.  Two students, selected by the Sixth students in a representative manner, shall be student representatives to the Executive Committee and shall be invited to meet regularly with it.

      The elected members of the Executive Committee shall normally serve two-year terms.  The faculty members should represent the five academic divisions of the UCSD General Campus, and none, apart from the Provost and the Chair of the Faculty, may be members of the same department.  Student representatives shall serve no more than two one-year terms.

      The Executive Committee, or any member of it, may call meetings of the Sixth College Faculty. The Executive Committee shall have authority to appoint ad hoc committees, which, like those appointed at Faculty meetings, shall report to the Sixth College Faculty and may be instructed to report to the Executive Committee.

    • C)
      Nominations for election as Chair of the Faculty and members of the Executive Committee shall take place at the annual meeting of the faculty.  Election shall be by mail ballot.  Elections to the Executive Committee shall be conducted in such a manner that three members who have served for one year are continued in office for another year and three new members replace those who have served for two years.  If an elected member of the Executive Committee, who has served for less than two years, is elected as Chair of the Faculty, another member of the Faculty shall be elected to the Executive Committee for a new two-year term.

    Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the transaction of business, except for modification of these Bylaws or the Academic Plan of Sixth College. At the request of a majority of the voting members present at a faculty meeting, the question before the meeting shall be submitted to a mail ballot of the faculty.


    Changes in the Sixth College Academic Plan shall be approved for submission to the Academic Senate Undergraduate Council by a majority vote at a faculty meeting, provided that the faculty has been notified of the meeting and the proposed change at least five days of instruction prior to the meeting. Am 3/1/11

    The procedure for amendment of these Bylaws shall be the same as for changes in the Academic Plan, except that a two-thirds majority is required.


    Throughout the Bylaws the term “mail ballot” or “ballot” shall denote either a mail or electronic ballot.   Am 6/3/14