All members of the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate appointed to Revelle College are voting members of the Revelle College Faculty.
The faculty shall be concerned with the academic program of Revelle College and all related aspects of its educational environment.
The Executive Committee of the Faculty of Revelle College shall consist of the Provost and the Chair of the Faculty, ex officio, and four elected faculty members. Two students, selected by the Revelle students in a representative manner, shall be student representatives to the Executive Committee and shall be invited to meet regularly with it. Am 5/75, Am 11/4/03
The elected Faculty members of the Executive Committee shall normally serve two‑year terms. Am 5/75, Am 11/4/03
The Executive Committee, or any member of it, may call meetings of the Revelle College Faculty. The Executive Committee shall have authority to appoint ad hoc committees which, like those appointed at Faculty meetings, shall report to the Revelle College Faculty and may be instructed to report to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may appoint some of its members as faculty representatives to the Revelle College student government in accordance with its Bylaws. Am 5/75