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EPC Policies on Courses

Policy: Repeating Courses with Other Courses to Replace D or F Grades

The Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) considered in 2000 the issue of repetition of courses with other courses for replacing "D" or "F" grades.  Academic Senate Regulation 505 - Repetition of Courses permits students to repeat courses in which a grade of "D", "F", "NP" or "U" has been awarded, and states that the first 16 units of courses thus repeated may not be used in grade-point calculations (although both grades appear on the student transcript).

Requests to repeat a UCSD course in which a failing grade was assigned with a course other than the same course must be approved by the Educational Policy Committee (EPC).  Such requests are exceptions to the regulation, and are considered by EPC on a case-by-case basis.  In such cases, EPC considers it the explicit responsibility of the department or program to evaluate the equivalency of the courses in question, and to either approve or disapprove the equivalency.  EPC has determined that students must be allowed to repeat UCSD courses in which they received a D or F with those courses at other UCs that a department/program has determined to be equivalent to specific department/program courses.  If a student is allowed by a department to use a course taken at another UC to fulfill a major requirement because it is determined to be equivalent to a specific department course, then a student who has received a "D" or "F" should likewise be allowed to take the agreed equivalent course at another UC in an attempt to earn a better grade.

Committee on Educational Policy June 28, 2000

Revised 4/28/14