February 05, 2014
As promised, the Committee on Planning and Budget is pleased to publish the Reference Edition of the Faculty Budget Education Workshop, Part Two. It represents a more complete presentation of UCSD’s budget and the funding challenges it faces than the Expanded Version posted on June 19, 2013, for it contains data for all non-academic Vice-Chancellor areas and a more complete assessment of the Federal Sequestration's impact on UCSD.
The Committee on Planning & Budget hopes that this data will serve as a baseline for campus communication and discussion of budget and planning issues and expects to update it regularly. The 190 slides are easily accessed via links in the Table of Contents in pull-down menus organized by chapter. Each slide has a hotlink that returns viewers to the Table of Contents. Please note: this navigational tool works best with javascript-compatible readers such as Adobe Reader and thus does not work with Mac Preview app.
Topics include:
- The “New Normal” in Sacramento and the Office of the President
- State Budget impact on UCSD
- Budgets of all academic and non-academic Vice-Chancellor areas
- Campus distribution and growth of student, academic, and staff FTE
- Evolution of undergraduate majors
- Faculty FTE planning & allocation by Academic Affairs by academic division
- Use of unfilled budgeted faculty FTE funds for temp faculty, TA salaries, graduate fellowships, and faculty retentions & start-ups
- Non-Resident Student net revenues & their calculation and allocation
- Federal Sequestration and its impact on UCSD’s research awards & ICR
- Detailed picture of Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR, aka overhead) of research awards including comparisons with other universities as well as calculation, source (sponsor), distribution, and use of ICR funds including Garamendi off-the-top payments by VC area and as % of total ICR
- Explanation of ICR shortfall, i.e., why ICR funds generally do not cover the full cost of overhead
- UC Retirement Plan & its funding
- Department budgets’ structure for each academic Vice-Chancellor area
Roddey Reid, 2012-13 Chair
Committee on Planning and Budget