Dear Colleagues:
In accordance with Bylaws 115 and 185 of the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate, notice is hereby given that nominations are open for the following positions and that the date of election will be Wednesday, May 6, 2015.
A Nominating Petition is available in the Resources area on this page.
To be valid, a Nominating Petition must be signed by five voting members of the Division and must be received in the Academic Senate Office (University Center 215, mail code 002) no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 22, 2015.
Please note that the nominee must be contacted by the Senate members signing the petition and must have agreed to serve the appropriate term if elected.
The following previously elected Senate members will continue to serve in 2015-2016:
Divisional Chair 2015-2016: Bob Continetti (Chemistry)
Divisional Representatives: Grant Goodall (Linguistics) and Joanna McKittrick (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering)
Committee on Committees: Daniel Arovas (Physics), Lisa Cartwright (Visual Arts), Yen Le Espiritu (Ethnic Studies), William Griswold (Computer Science & Engineering), Stephen Hedrick (Division of Biological Sciences), Wilbur Lew (Health Sciences-Medicine), Karen Oegema (Health Sciences-Cellular & Molecular Medicine), and Lynne Talley (SIO-CASPO)
Robert Continetti, Vice Chair
Academic Senate, San Diego Division