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Academic Senate Vote: Resolution on NCAA Reclassification
November 30, 2016

Dear Colleagues:

At its November 29th meeting, Representative Assembly approved a vote of all Senate members on the following resolution:

The membership of the San Diego Divisional Academic Senate endorses the reclassification of UCSD from NCAA Division 2 to NCAA non-football Division 1, as described in the September 7, 2016 proposal from Director of Athletics Earl Edwards to Divisional Senate Chair Kaustuv Roy, which promises no change in the current admission processes for student athletes, no use of institutional funds, and funding coming from increased student fees (as approved by student vote).

To read the proposal, please go to the NCAA Reclassification Issues Under Review page of the Senate's website.

To vote, please go to:


The deadline to vote is 4:30 p.m., Monday, December 12, 2016.

The voting system will authenticate your identity via the campus Single Sign-On system and is designed to maintain the confidentiality of the voting process by keeping track of who has voted, but not how each member votes. Once a vote is cast, neither the voter nor anyone else can change the vote. To minimize technical difficulties while completing the voting ballot, please refrain from using your browser’s forward and backward buttons. Instead, use the “previous” and “next” buttons provided on the ballot form to navigate between screens.

If you are unable to access the ballot electronically, you may contact Alex Tea (altea@ucsd.edu or 4-3640) to arrange to vote electronically in the Senate Office.


Farrell Ackerman, Vice Chair
Academic Senate, San Diego Division