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October 14, 2014 Google Hangout with President Napolitano
October 08, 2014

You are invited to join President Janet Napolitano and a panel of your colleagues from across the UC system for a one-hour online conversation on topics of interest to UC faculty.  This Google Hangout is set for Tuesday, October 14, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.  Expected discussion topics include preserving UC’s quality and standing as the world’s top public research university, investing in UC innovation through the new UC Ventures fund, online education, maintaining access and affordability, and faculty compensation and benefits.

The panelists for this web chat are:

* Mary Gilly, Systemwide Academic Senate Chair and Professor of Management, UC Irvine


* Kimberly Lau, Professor of Literature, UC Santa Cruz

* Lori Lubin, Professor of Physics, UC Davis

* Ilhem Messaoudi, Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences, UC Riverside

* Rudy Ortiz, Associate Professor of Natural Sciences, UC Merced

* Kris Pister, Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley

This is President Napolitano’s fourth web chat with members of various UC groups, as part of her goal of fostering an ongoing dialogue with the UC community.  Previous web chats, all conducted as Google Hangouts, were held with UC students, staff and alumni.

Use the link below to listen to the web chat.  Questions may be submitted in advance or live by signing in with a Google+ account.

Link: http://ucal.us/hangoutwithjanet4