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Issues Under Review

Proposed Conflicts of Interest Presidential Policy & Revision to APM 028
April 09, 2018

Feedback ended on May 31, 2018

Dear Colleagues:

A systemwide review is being conducted to consider a new Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest in Private Sponsors of Research UC Presidential Policy and a related revision to APM 028, Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research.

The timeline for the Senate's consideration is as follows:

May 31, 2018                                               Responses due

June 11, 2018                                               Senate Council consideration

June 20, 2018                                               Divisional response due to Academic Council

June 27, 2018                                               Academic Council consideration

If you would like to comment, please do so by May 31st.  All comments received by May 31st will be included in the review materials for Senate Council consideration. 

Farrell Ackerman
Academic Senate, San Diego Division