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Privilege and Tenure


Membership Composition

The committee is composed of seven members, none of whom is an officer of the Divisional Senate nor an officer of the Administration. No two members may be from the same department.

Representative Composition

No Representatives

Consultant Composition

No Consultants

Meeting Frequency

Monthly and as needed.

Related Duties

One member serves as the Divisional representative to the University Committee on Privilege & Tenure (UCPT). The Chair has additional committee responsibilities.


Privilege and Tenure Am 5/24/88, Am 5/22/90, Am 6/3/14
  • A)

    The Committee on Privilege and Tenure (“the committee”) has jurisdiction over grievance cases, disciplinary cases, and early termination cases, as provided in University of California Academic Senate Bylaw 334.  The committee considers matters affecting the rights or privileges of Senate members, including allegations that a procedural violation occurred in a Senate member’s academic review.  The principles and procedures governing the committee are set forth in University of California Academic Senate Bylaws 334, 335, 336 and 337.  The Faculty Code of Conduct is set forth in the University of California Academic Personnel Manual Section 015, and   the University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline is set forth in Section 016.

  • B)
    Membership. The committee will consist of seven ordinary members of the Division, none of whom is a current officer of the Division or a current officer of the Administration. In particular, the members shall not include any current Dean, Provost, or Department Chair. No two members may be from the same department.  One member of the committee will serve on the University (systemwide) Committee on Privilege and Tenure, in accordance with University of California Academic Senate Bylaw 128(B) and San Diego Divisional Senate Bylaw 185(C)(8). Am 4/28/92, Am 5/23/95, Am 2/24/04
  • C)

    The following Divisional procedures supplement the systemwide Academic Senate Bylaws.

    • 1)

      The Committee on Committees will annually appoint a panel of three advisors, who will be available for consultation about procedure to Senate members who may be considering filing a grievance, or who have been notified by the Administration that they are the subject of a disciplinary hearing.  Any Senate member may consult with a member of this panel of advisors about the procedures to be followed in accordance with this bylaw.  Such advisors will not serve as representatives of any complainant, nor may they be current members of the committee.

    • 2)

      Allegations of discrimination or sexual harassment of Senate members are referred to the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) for investigation.  A grievance tied to a discrimination or sexual harassment complaint is held in abeyance pending the outcome of the investigation, after which the OPHD finding is reported to the committee for consideration in the grievance proceeding.

    • 3)

      The chair of the committee will promote settlement of grievance cases on behalf of the committee or may delegate this authority to a committee member.  Settlement discussions will not be admissible in any committee hearing.

    • 4)

      Upon conclusion of a hearing, if the committee finds that the Senate member’s rights and privileges have not been violated, but believes that conduct directed at the grievant was inconsistent with the campus’s Principles of Community, the committee may advise the Administration to take action to curtail such conduct.

    • 5)

      The committee will annually submit a summary of its cases to Senate Council and to the University (systemwide) Committee on Privilege and Tenure. Specifically, it will report the final disposition and also report the action taken by the Administration in each case. This report will not name the faculty members involved in any case or provide any more identifying detail than is required to inform Senate Council and the University Committee on Privilege and Tenure of the nature of the committee's actions and rulings.

  • D)