Membership Composition
9 Academic Senate members including chairs of Undergraduate Council and Graduate Council
Representative Composition
1 undergraduate and 1 graduate student representative
Consultant Composition
Dean of Graduate Division
AVC/Dean Undergraduate Education
Meeting Frequency
Monthly, 3rd Monday (2-3 hour meetings)
Related Duties
One member serves on the University Committee on Educational Policy. The Chair has additional committee responsibilities.
Educational Policy Am 5/23/95, Am 3/1/11
This committee shall consist of nine ordinary members of the Division. It shall also have one undergraduate student representative and one graduate student representative, who shall not have the right to vote. The Dean of Graduate Studies and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education may serve as consultants to the committee, without vote, at the request of the committee. The chairs of the Undergraduate Council and Graduate Council shall be members of the committee. The chair of the committee shall be a member of the Senate Council and Senate-Administration Council.
Am 5/24/77, Rt 6/8/77, Am 4/26/94, Am 2/24/04, Am 5/26/09, Am 3/1/11Duties
The committee shall consider matters of educational policy referred to it by the President, the Chancellor at San Diego, the San Diego Division, or any committee or faculty or meeting of the Division. It shall report its deliberations to the referring agency and, as soon as possible, to the Division. Am 3/1/11
The committee shall have the power to initiate recommendations to the Division concerning the educational policies and curriculum of any college, department, faculty, or institute wholly or partly responsible to the Division, and concerning legislation or administrative policies of a fundamental character involving questions of educational policy. In making these recommendations, the committee shall take cognizance of the Academic Master Plan for the University of California, San Diego. The committee shall have the authority, on behalf of the Division, to ensure that the curriculum of any college, department, faculty, or institute wholly or partly responsible to the Division complies with the Senate Regulations. Am 3/1/11
The committee shall have the authority, on behalf of the Division, to review and to approve or disapprove all petitions from students for exception to the Regulations of the Academic Senate, including the Regulations of the San Diego Division. Decisions of the committee shall be final, except that any three ordinary members of the committee, in dissenting from the majority, may require that the petition be forwarded to the Representative Assembly for final action. En 4/25/95, Am 3/1/11
The committee shall consider proposals for the establishment of new departments, schools, or Organized Research Units. En 4/25/95, Am 3/1/11
The committee shall perform the duties assigned to it by the Policy and Procedures for the Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, and Discontinuance of Academic Programs and Units. En 4/25/95, Am 3/1/11
The committee shall supervise the Division's endorsement of publications dealing in any way with educational matters. The Division takes no responsibility for descriptions of courses, admission requirements, requirements for certificates, or requirements for degrees which do not appear in a publication currently endorsed by the Division. Am 5/25/76, Rt 6/9/76, Am 3/1/11
The committee shall consider appeals regarding the appropriate academic accommodation for students with disabilities, in accordance with the Policy on Students with Disabilities and Steps for Accommodation. As provided in the Policy on Students with Disabilities and Steps for Accommodation, the committee’s decision on these appeals may be appealed to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, whose decisions shall be final. En 3/1/11
The committee shall consider appeals that a grade has been assigned based on non-academic criteria and shall consider appeals as allowed under Section V.C(2) of the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship.
En 3/1/11a)
If the allegations of the complainant are upheld, the committee will effect a change of that grade in accordance with San Diego Division Regulation 502.
No committee member shall consider appeals involving a member of his/her department or equivalent unit.
Decisions of the committee on these appeals shall be final.
The committee shall consider appeals from students who have not satisfied the Entry Level Writing Requirement, in accordance with the policy approved by the committee and the Committee on Preparatory Education. The committee may annually redelegate all or part of this authority to the Undergraduate Council. The committee or Undergraduate Council, if authority has been so delegated, shall promptly notify the Provost of the student’s college of its decision. Decisions of the Undergraduate Council shall be final, except that any member of the council may require the decision to be reviewed by the Educational Policy Committee, whose decision shall be final. En 3/1/11