Any Divisional Representatives to the Assembly of the Academic Senate who are not already ex officio members of the Representative Assembly shall serve as at-large representatives to the Representative Assembly. Each college shall elect two representatives to the Representative Assembly. Each department with 35 or fewer voting Senate members shall elect one representative from among its voting Senate members. Each department with 36 or more voting Senate members shall elect two representatives from among its voting Senate members. Each graduate or professional school without academic departments shall have one representative for each 25 voting Senate members, or major fraction thereof. All Senate members in a department shall have the opportunity to nominate and to vote for departmental representatives. All elected representatives shall be elected by secret mail ballot. All elections shall be held in time to announce the results by the end of the Spring Quarter. Am 6/10/97
There shall be a representative of the emeritus faculty who shall be selected by the Emeriti Association. En 10/23/90
Calls and Minutes
At least five days of instruction before a regular or special meeting of the Representative Assembly, a call to the meeting, the agenda, and all pertinent documents shall be distributed, together with information about how to obtain a full printed or electronic copy, to all members of the Division , the President and Vice President of the Academic Senate, the Executive Offices of the other Divisions, the Secretary/Parliamentarian of the Senate, and each member of the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction. Am 6/10/97 Am 5/27/03
Within 30 days of instruction after every meeting of the Representative Assembly, the Vice Chair shall distribute to all members of the Division, the President and Vice President of the Academic Senate, Executive Offices of the other Divisions, the Secretary/Parliamentarian of the Senate, and each member of the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction information about how to obtain a full printed or electronic copy of the minutes. Am 6/10/97 Am 5/27/03