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Appendix 4: Policy and Procedures on Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, and Discontinuance of Academic Programs and Units

Approved by San Diego Division 6/29/83, Am 3/1/11

The quality of intellectual life at the University of California rests not only on the strength of individual academic departments and organized research units, but also on the breadth of offerings and opportunities for study available on each campus.  The disestablishment of academic programs and units is a grave matter that is the direct responsibility of the Academic Senate and its appointed committees.  Because it affects a segment of the academic community in particular, and the whole academic community in general, disestablishment should be undertaken only after the most serious consideration.  The Undergraduate Council and the Graduate Council should make every effort to correct deficiencies in an academic program or unit before undertaking deliberation of its disestablishment.

Programs and academic units should not be disestablished in order to cope with temporary or transitory financial difficulties, and every effort should be made to deal with these in an equitable manner.  Before proposing the disestablishment of academic programs or units, the administration is expected to demonstrate that the financial exigency is not temporary and cannot be met by reduction in administration staff and personnel.  If cuts in the academic functions of the university are unavoidable, first consideration should be given to dividing the necessary budget reductions equitably among all departments and programs in such a way as to minimize permanent damage to the vital educational and research missions of the University.

These procedures for the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate have been established pursuant to the Systemwide Policy on Transfer, Consolidation, Disestablishment, and Discontinuance of Academic Programs and Units, dated September 19, 1979.

For purposes of this policy an academic program is defined as a sequence of courses and examinations leading to a degree; it does not include a concentration within a major, but it does include an established interdepartmental program.  An academic unit is defined as a school, college, department, or division within a school, college, or department.  It does not include an organized research unit; procedures for organized research units are those established on a Systemwide basis.

In what follows the word "disestablish" and its derivatives will be used to simplify reference to any of the four possibilities:  transfer, consolidation, disestablishment, or discontinuance.

  • I)
    General Provisions
    • A)
      Any issues pertaining to these procedures, but not covered explicitly by this policy, shall be resolved by the Senate Council.
    • B)
      Any decision or recommendation to transfer, consolidate, disestablish, or discontinue an academic program or unit shall be preceded by an ad hoc review of the program or unit.  All proposals for the disestablishment of academic programs or units shall be considered by an ad hoc committee of five members, which shall comprise one person delegated by each of the following standing committees:  Committee on Academic Personnel, Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, and Committee on Planning & Budget, from among its members, and a fifth member at large to be appointed by the Committee on Committees.  The ad hoc committee shall have the authority to request documentation pertinent to the proposed disestablishment from both the administration and all related academic groups.  It may seek expert advice from persons within or outside the University.  It shall submit its report to the Senate Council within thirty days of its appointment.  A copy of the report shall immediately be sent to the chair or other principal officer of the program or unit concerned.
    • C)
      Academic programs may be disestablished for academic or financial reasons.
      • 1)
        If the Senate Council decides that academic considerations principally apply, the ad hoc committee shall undertake a broad investigation to ascertain the quality and effectiveness of the academic unit or program in question.
      • 2)
        If the Senate Council decides that financial and budgetary considerations principally apply, the ad hoc committee is charged to elicit from the Chancellor and his administrative officers, at the minimum, a budgetary and fiscal analysis showing a consideration of the following:
        • a)
          Whether the budgetary deficiency is a temporary or short-term financial perturbation.
        • b)
          Whether the disestablishment of the academic program or unit in question is the most feasible way of meeting the alleged financial exigency, and
        • c)
          Whether cuts across the board are feasible and can be equitably made.  These cuts may include terminating temporary appointments and dismissing non-tenured faculty members of programs and units.

          The ad hoc committee shall closely examine the implications of this information and solicit whatever additional material is required in order to present a complete report to the Senate Council.  In all cases arising from financial exigency, it should examine and explore other ways of solving the fiscal problems.

    • D)
      Agencies of the Academic Senate charged with making recommendations or decisions pertaining to disestablishment of academic programs or units shall:
      • 1)
        extensively consult students and faculty who are affected by the proposed change;
      • 2)
        consider whether arrangements for peer review from outside the University shall be requested; and
      • 3)
        notify the Chancellor and consult with the President early in the process
        • a)
          if the academic program or unit under consideration appears to be unique to the University, or
        • b)
          if it is believed that the disestablishment may have systemwide effects or effects on higher education programs in California other than within the University of California.
    • E)
      If the disestablishment of an undergraduate or graduate academic program includes disestablishment of a degree, final decision with respect to the degree shall be made by the Regents on the recommendation of the President.
    • F)
      In any case in which disestablishment of an academic program or unit would involve intercampus transfer or consolidation, the procedures set forth in sections I, II, III, and IV shall apply.  As appropriate, the Chancellor will arrange for coordination with other campuses and the President.
    • G)
      Arrangements shall be made for the orderly and appropriate accommodation of academic and staff employees whose positions are affected by a decision to disestablish or discontinue or to transfer to another campus or to combine with another program or programs on a different campus.  These arrangements shall be in accordance with existing personnel policies to the extent that they are adequate for each specific decision.  Where existing policies are not adequate, supplemental policies shall be developed by the Systemwide Administration through appropriate consultation with the Academic Senate.  Until such policies are adopted, historical precedent and established practice shall supplement existing personnel policies.
    • H)
      The campus shall report such transfers, consolidations, and discontinuances annually in its Academic Program inventory.
  • II)
    Procedures for the Disestablishment of Undergraduate Programs
    Proposals for the disestablishment of undergraduate programs, including undergraduate major curricula, may be initiated by departments, by review committees, by the Academic Senate through the Undergraduate Council or the Senate Council, by the Senate-Administration Council, or by the Chancellor.  Such proposals shall be submitted to and screened by the Undergraduate Council before any further action is taken.
    • A)
      Before any action is taken by the Undergraduate Council, it shall submit the proposal to an ad hoc committee for review and recommendation as provided in Section I.B.
    • B)
      The Undergraduate Council shall send notification of the proposal to those faculty members and students concerned.
    • C)
      Any member of the faculty of the department or interdisciplinary program concerned, or any other interested parties, may petition for a hearing before the Undergraduate Council within thirty days of notification.  The hearing must be scheduled by the Undergraduate Council within fifteen days of receipt of the report of the ad hoc committee.  Representatives of the Educational Policy Committee, Graduate Council and the Committee on Planning & Budget shall attend the hearing.
    • D)
      Upon completion of the procedures prescribed in part C, and after the report of the ad hoc committee has been received, the proposal shall be considered at a meeting of the Undergraduate Council to which the members of the Educational Policy Committee, Graduate Council and Committee on Planning & Budget are invited.  Whatever decision or recommendation is made by the Undergraduate Council shall be immediately transmitted to the chair or other principal officer of the program or unit concerned.  Undergraduate Council shall transmit its recommendation to the Senate Council.
    • E)
      The final decision of the Senate Council shall be transmitted to the Chancellor and shall immediately be reported to the Division through a notice sent to each member.  It may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw 155(A).
    • F)
      Students enrolled in any program to be disestablished shall be accommodated in a fashion that will ensure completion to the degree.
  • III)
    Procedures for the Disestablishment or Discontinuance of Graduate Programs.

    Proposals for the disestablishment or discontinuance of graduate programs may be initiated by departments, by review committees, by the Academic Senate through the Education Policy Committee or the Graduate Council or the Senate Council, by the Senate-Administration Council, or by the Chancellor.  Such proposals shall be submitted to and screened by the Graduate Council before any further action is taken.

    • A)
      Before any action is taken by the Graduate Council, it shall submit the proposal to an ad hoc committee for review and recommendation as provided in Section I.B.
    • B)
      The Graduate Council shall send notification of the proposal to those faculty members and students concerned.
    • C)
      Any member of the faculty of the department or interdepartmental program concerned, or any other interested parties, may petition for a hearing before the Graduate Council within thirty days of notification.  The hearing shall be scheduled by the Graduate Council within fifteen days of receipt of the report of the ad hoc committee.  Representatives of the Educational Policy Committee, Undergraduate Council and Committee on Planning & Budget shall attend the meeting.
    • D)
      Upon completion of the procedures prescribed in part C, and after the report of the ad hoc committee has been received, the proposal shall be considered at a meeting of the Graduate Council to which the members of the Educational Policy Committee, Undergraduate Council and the Committee on Planning & Budget are invited.  Whatever decision or recommendation is made by the Graduate Council shall be immediately transmitted to the chair or other principal officer of the program or unit concerned.
    • E)
      The recommendation of the Graduate Council shall be submitted to the Representative Assembly or the Division at its next meeting.  If either the Graduate Council or the program or unit concerned requires additional time to prepare an adequate presentation, the Chair of the Division may grant a postponement until the next regularly scheduled Representative Assembly or Divisional meeting or until a special meeting to be held not more than thirty days thereafter.  At that meeting at which the presentation of the case is completed, the Division shall take final action on the Graduate Council's recommendation.  The decision of the Representative Assembly or the Division shall be reported to the Chancellor and to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs.
    • F)
      Students enrolled in any program to be disestablished shall be accommodated in a fashion that ensures completion to the degree.
  • IV)
    Procedures for Disestablishment or Discontinuance of Academic Units

    Proposals for the disestablishment or discontinuance of academic units may be initiated by the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, a dean, the Council of Provosts, the Senate-Administration Council, the chair of the unit, or faculty members in the unit, or -- generally, but not exclusively, as a consequence of a Senate review of an academic program -- by the Division through the Undergraduate Council, Educational Policy Committee, the Graduate Council, the Committee on Planning & Budget, or the Senate Council.  Proposals originating from other than the Senate Council shall be submitted to and screened by the Senate Council, which is the agency of the Division responsible for overseeing these procedures for the disestablishment of academic units.

    • A)
      Before any action is taken by the Senate Council, it shall submit the proposal to an ad hoc committee for review and recommendation, as provided in Section I.B.
    • B)
      The Senate Council shall send a notice of the proposal to the faculty members and students involved.
    • C)
      While considering such a proposal, the Senate Council may request that appropriate Senate committees review various aspects of the proposal and report to it.
    • D)
      Any member of the faculty of the unit concerned, or any other interested parties, may petition for a hearing before the Senate Council within thirty days of notification.  The hearing must be scheduled by the Senate Council within fifteen days of receipt of the report of the ad hoc committee.  At this hearing, interested administrative officers, faculty members, and students shall have an opportunity to present their views on the proposal.
    • E)
      Upon completion of the above procedures and after the report of the ad hoc committee has been received, the proposal shall be considered at a meeting of the Senate Council to which the members of the appropriate Senate committees are invited.
    • F)
      The final decision of the Senate Council shall be transmitted immediately to the Chancellor, to the chair or other principal officer of the unit concerned, and to the Division by a notice sent to each member.  Students and faculty members of the unit shall be notified.
    • G)
      The recommendation of the Senate Council shall be submitted to the Representative Assembly or the Division at its next meeting.  If either the Senate Council or the unit concerned requires additional time to prepare an adequate presentation, the Chair of the Division may grant a postponement until the next regularly scheduled Representative Assembly or Division meeting or until a special meeting to be held not more than thirty days thereafter.  All objecting parties shall have an opportunity to present their views to the Representative Assembly or the Division.  At that meeting at which presentation of the case is completed, the Representative Assembly or the Division shall take final action on the Senate Council's recommendation.  The Representative Assembly or the Division shall report to the Chancellor whether it recommends approval, disapproval, or modification of the proposal.
    • H)
      The Chancellor shall decide whether to recommend disestablishment of the unit to the President.
    • I)
      The final decision on the disestablishment of schools and colleges shall be made by the Regents upon the recommendation of the President.  The President shall make a final decision on the disestablishment of other academic units after consultation with the Assembly of the Academic Senate and students as appropriate.
    • J)
      If an academic unit is disestablished, arrangements shall be made to allow students enrolled in the unit to complete their degree.

      Approved by the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate October 26, 1982.  Approved by President Gardner, following consultation with systemwide Academic Senate committees, on August 17, 1984.  Amended by the Representative Assembly October 26, 1993.